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Cody Foor

Cody Foor
Atlanta, GA

Cody Foor is a Certified Acutonics® Practitioner, a licensed massage therapist and a Master Instructor in HapKiDo, Qi Gong and TaiChi.  Cody is passionate about being of service and facilitating health and wellness through Acutonics® sound therapy and energy healing. 

Cody has been practicing and teaching martial arts and related philosophies for over 40 years. He has practiced massage therapy, acupressure and energy therapy for over 25 years. Cody has studied Medical Astrology intensively with Dr. Will Morris and uses these considerations to provide the deepest level of service to his clients. With Acutonics®, all of the above modalities and philosophies have come together in a profound whole. He also works with Acutonics® hand chimes, crystals, singing bowls, and tingshas.

In addition, Cody has studied herbalism with a focus on medicinal mushrooms and crafts tinctures and teas.

Cody practices Acutonics® as M4energetics in the Atlanta metro area and also offers distance healing/deep relaxation sessions online.