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Dr. Ellen F. Franklin, PhD

Dr. Ellen F. Franklin, PhD
157 Pacheco Rd, Box 8, Llano, NM 87543

Dr. Ellen F. Franklin is co-founder and CEO of the Acutonics Institute of Integrative Medicine. For more than 15 years she has been involved in the development and dissemination of educational programs in vibrational sound therapy rooted in East Asian Medicine and psychology.

Ellen is a co-author of Acutonics from Galaxies to Cells, Planetary Science, Harmony and Medicine, a 2012 gold medal recipient in the Independent Publishing Awards. She is also the author of numerous articles and a frequent contributor to Oriental Medicine Journal. An avid photographer, Ellen has also contributed her work to a new poetry collection by Donna Carey entitled Traveler’s Advisory. Ellen received a Certificate in Jungian Studies and her PhD in Psychology from Saybrook University. Her research focused on the use of Acutonics for self care to reduce severe stress and compassion fatigue in health care providers.

Ellen has spent more than twenty-five years in senior leadership positions in both start-up organizations and Fortune 100 Corporations. She has also served on many boards of directors and holds an MA in Human and Organizational Development from Fielding University.