News for December, 2017

The Stillness of Winter: The Nurturance of Potential

1 Dec, 2017
As we approach Winter Solstice it is a time for consolidation of energy. This is a season for rest, reverting to the root, and pulling in and grounding to Earth. Days are shorter and we are called indoors. We can use this time for self-nurturance so that the seed of these activities will sprout upward and outward in the spring.

Ancestral Songlines and Celestial Harmonies by Carmen Cicotti

1 Dec, 2017
As we near the end of a yearly cycle, death resounds into birth through the experience of completion and in communion with the World Soul. This time of communion calls for translucent receptivity to the subtle so the light can pass through. Receptive, to be touched and met by the subtle essence of the Axis Mundi; the delicate and exquisite place of intangible substance.