
Summer: Season of the Heart

25 May, 2023
Summer: Season of the Heart

Jude Ponton DC, MAc, LAc
Certified Acutonicsâ Practitioner, Licensed Senior Faculty

The heart spirit or Shen is a spark of the fire of heaven bestowed on us by the stars when we are born. In the Chinese, Vedic, and Hebrew traditions it is known that this spirit resides in the center of the heart. The Shen guides the heavenly spark into expression of our purist potential. It is the seat of inspiration, insight, awareness, and compassion.

The Shen is also viewed as a divine gift of love and enlightenment that flows to us at birth from the Tao, through the Big Dipper and connects us with the star teachers and our cosmic identity. It is our Shen that provides guidance as we travel the path that is our unique expression of the Tao. The sages counseled cultivation of calmness of the spirit. This state of calmness, or consciousness, allows us to live in harmony with our earthly experience even in the face of adversity and chaos. In doing so, we achieve joy in our lives. This cultivation also allows us to express our joy outward to our fellow beings through the field of the heart. This energetic field can extend several feet from our physical form as it touches the heart fields of our fellow travelers with the powerful vibrations of love and compassion, we are able to transmit it to the world.

The heart field and the heart chakra act as a pivot point between the more personal energies of survival and sense of our selves and raises our frequency up through the higher chakras. Doing this creates resonance with more transpersonal frequencies associated with intuition, clairvoyance, and communication with divine source.

Summer provides a portal to the realization of our true nature, revealed to us through deep heart connections. It is a time to build resonance and to optimize our heart’s energy.

The Yin Wei (Yin Linking) Vessel is a good choice for uniting our individual spirit expression, our authentic self, with the self we project into the world. It also promotes the opening of our heart field to both receive and express unconditional love, as well as strengthening the physical aspects of the heart.

To open the heart: New Moon 5th interval, both low and middle octaves, allow deep access if the heart energy has been shut down to provide emotional buffering.

To expand the heart field: Ohm/Jupiter 4th provides expansion and growth.

To expand resonance with the vibration of love: Jupiter/Venus or Hygiea/Venus to experience multidimensional love. Nibiru/Hygiea to access a new matrix of the multidimensional field of the heart.

The Ren (Conception) Vessel can help with nourishing and calming of energies to provide stability and peace for the heart. Use the Full Moon 6th along with the Low Ohm octave. Venus/Neptune provides peaceful and calming energy.

Another calming point for heart energy is Heart 7 (Spirit Gate), the Source Point of the Heart meridian. This point is effective for calming anxiety and manic energy to allow peace for the Shen. Ohm Unison, Ohm/Neptune or Venus/Hygiea are good here.

Buddha’s Triangle (HT 7, P6, LU 9) calms and eases the energy of the heart and releases stress. Ohm Unison, Venus/Neptune, Neptune/Hygiea are good choices.

Heart Chakra can be influenced by Ren 17 (Chest Center, Original Child). The Solar 7th interval can activate and nourish the heart at this chakra. Be gentle with Solar 7th energy as too much may produce heat and disturb the Shen. A little goes a long way.

The Jupiter/Venus combination on Ren 17 is very effective to expand the heart field and express unconditional love. Mars/Venus can balance yin and yang energies of the heart.

The Ohm Octave at Ren 17 can bring harmony to the heart at a new level.

Additionally, the high frequency of each of these combinations sounded over the heart, and then used in the field can optimize balance, harmony, and expansion of the higher self.

Jude Ponton is teaching Small Animal Acutonics, July 22nd-24th, 2023, and she is offering a FREE forum on June 24th, Tuning in With Animal Friends. Register for the Forum on Zoom,  

Jude is also available for in-person and remote sessions; she can be reached at,