
Cultivating Love, Joy, Compassion, Expanded Consciousness and the Numinous with Planetary Archetypes and Intervals

5 Jun, 2022
With the culmination of events that occur with the ending of our Great Year Cycle and the Summer months upon us, we must face and experience the long-term effects of the imbalance of our relationship with Mother Earth and her water (“Mni wic’oni”- water of life, from Chief Arvol Looking Horse*). These imbalances are witnessed as unprecedented droughts to excessive flooding, incessant fires, weather anomalies, changing jet streams, increased tornadoes, hurricanes, cyclones, earthquakes, and volcanic activity worldwide.

Re-tuning Our Hearts

5 Jun, 2022
As we approach Summer Solstice, the season of the Fire Element and the Heart, we are navigating extraordinary challenges. There are ongoing pandemic concerns, the horror of the war in Ukraine, threats to freedom of choice, the incomprehensible loss of life from gun violence, and the impacts of climate change. All of this along with personal challenges that many of us, our families and clients are facing leave us with heavy hearts, heartsick, brokenhearted.

Indigenous Prophecy and The Quantum

2 Mar, 2022
This moment humanity is experiencing can be seen as a door or a hole”. The decision to fall in the hole or walk through the door is up to you. If you consume the news 24 hours a day, with negative energy, constantly nervous, with pessimism, you will fall into this hole, but if you take the opportunity to look at yourself, to rethink life and death, to take care of yourself and others, then you will walk through the portal. Take care of your home, take care of your body. Connect with your spiritual home. When you take care of yourself, you take care of everyone at the same time. — Hopi Elder, Chief White Eagle

Spring: Wood Element - Growth, Expansion and Re-vision

1 Mar, 2022
As the Spring Equinox approaches, we experience a quickening, the time of rebirth. Energy that has rested and been nurtured and consolidated in the Winter is now rising upward to bring growth and expansion. Spring marks the beginning of nature’s cycle, of rising energy and new life.

Winter Solstice—The Still Point

7 Dec, 2021
May this Solstice be a time of joy, harmony, abundance, and peace a portal to a time of coherence in the collective. — Jude Ponton

The Season of Autumn and the Metal Element

6 Nov, 2021
As we move through the season of Autumn, we enter the Yin cycle with longer nights and shorter days. It is the time when the last fruits fall from the trees, as do the leaves and the sap descends into the roots. This letting go time is associated with grief and the time of loss. It is a time to let go of that which is no longer needed and provides an opportunity to release old habits and negative patterns, and by doing so, we grow and evolve.

“Sound Advice”

6 Nov, 2021
Sharing Acutonics Sound Healing tools online may feel a bit daunting at first, so asking the planet on its side, “Uranus”, for some assistance may be helpful. Some of us are taking classes, teaching, doing distance healing, sharing sound baths, etc., and each situation requires some variable sound savvy.

Reflecting on Autumn, the Metal Element and the Process of Letting Go

6 Nov, 2021
Here in the Pacific Northwest leaves are falling, and the rains and wind have made their return in earnest to mark the return of Autumn. The cycle has returned to the time of the Metal element. The outward yang energy of summer has shifted to the yin consolidating energy that prepares us for Winter and the nurturance of the yin fire. It is a time for stillness and inner reflection.

Equine Acutonics®

2 Sep, 2021
A few years after moving Acutonics from Seattle, WA to Northern New Mexico, I fulfilled a dream, to have horses in my life, once again. Shortly after my beautiful Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horse, Jody Hard to Copy, arrived here in New Mexico, she suffered a traumatic injury. Over the next ten years that I was blessed to have this incredible horse in my life she became my teacher and motivation to use Acutonics on horses.

Late Summer: Time to Renew Core Energy

2 Sep, 2021
Taoists mark the transition of the yang energy of Summer toward the yin energy of Autumn as the season of Late Summer. At this point in the seasonal cycle energy begins to consolidate and move into less activity and greater nurturance.

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