Astrological Insights for December, 2016

Cycles, Transitions And Intentions

1 Dec, 2016
Transition from Autumn to Winter manifests movement into our deepest energy. We have released the things that don’t serve us and are moving into the time of nurturance of the Yin Fire, the spark of our destiny, our becoming. Winter is the season of Kidney nurturance. It is a time to align with our inner being and strengthen our reserves to transcend fear and realize our potential as manifestations of Source.

December Astrology Considerations with Treatment Recommendations

1 Dec, 2016
Jupiter activations are particularly strong in December when it squares Pluto in mid-December and then moves on into an exact opposition with Uranus by December 29. This is a big feature in December to consider; Jupiter – expansion; Uranus – shocking events. Also, by December 29, New Moon, Sun, Pluto are all conjunct in Capricorn squaring Uranus in Aries.

Jupiter: King of the Planets

1 Dec, 2016
On November 23, 2016 we entered into Sagittarius the ninth sign of the zodiac, which is ruled by Jupiter. The element associated with this sign is Fire, and those born under this sign seek knowledge and truth. The planet Jupiter takes its name from the Roman Jupiter or Jove the chief god of the Roman Pantheon. To the Greeks he was known as Zeus. There are many names associated with this planetary deity including thunderer, wielder of lightning and supreme commander.