Astrological Insights for August, 2020

Navigation and Discernment with the Energy of Mars and Chiron’s Initiating Incentive

30 Aug, 2020
At this late summer, harvest point in the year Astrologically speaking we have come through a Venus and Mercury retrograde - both are now moving forward. Welcome shifts of forward momentum whilst Mars has slowed down and is warming up for the coming retrograde, a two-month stint from September 9th. To have Mars, Venus and Mercury all going retrograde in the same year is a lot, and is rare, but 2020 is a rather extra-ordinary cosmologically active year with significant planetary cycles ending and new ones beginning.

The Earth Element: Retrograde Planets, Hold Tight to the Center

27 Aug, 2020
We are in a huge reset time on this planet. All the big hitters have been and still are in retrograde during most of this year; from Jupiter all the way to Sedna. Five of these six planets are in the earth signs of Capricorn and Taurus. As you well know, these planets take their time and move very slow. With all of them retro at the same time, we are globally in a state where we feel raked over hot coals, soul searching and reincarnating new versions of ourselves, the way we interact with each other, and the world in which we live. Though it is true that this is not an easy road to traverse, as we are thrown into unfamiliar circumstances with the unknown in some form, at our doorstep daily, it is also true that we are in a very exciting time in the history of our evolution.