Experts in the News for January, 2013

The Myth of Nü Gua Chinese Snake Goddess

19 Jan, 2013
This articles explores the myth of the Chinese Snake Goddess, Nü Gua, who created humans, restored order to the world after the flood, populated the earth, brought the five phases back into harmony, regulated the movement of all celestial bodies, restored the seasons, and created musical instruments. In a separate feature, Carey provides a discussion of KID 15 (Zhong Zhu), a point of balance between yin and yang, very appropriate for the energetics of this moment in time.

The Role of Archetypes & Myths in Medicine

19 Jan, 2013
This article takes the symbol of the snake and the myth of the snake goddess and looks at the role of archetypes and myths in both Western and East Asian Medicine. While much of her discussion is based in Jungian psychology, she also draws in the cross-cultural ideas and the creation of the myths to give us a grounded sense of what the Year of the Snake could facilitate for us energetically.