Experts in the News for February, 2016

More Than A Barrel of Monkeys: An Exploration for 2016, the Year of the Monkey

27 Feb, 2016
This article by Donna Carey, LAc, and Ellen Franklin, PhD, who help us understand monkey energy and review the complex and controversial relationship humans have had with monkeys in science, the media, literature and language, the natural world, and myth. Looking at the similarities and differences between humans and monkeys, it is no surprise that monkey myths and folktales abound in cultures around the world. If you have ever had questions about how humans should be treating monkeys and other primates, you will have answers after reading Carey and Franklin’s eye-opening article.

The Healing Power of Acutonics at the End of Life

18 Feb, 2016
This article by hospice chaplain Lauren Cetlin, RN, MA, AHN-BC, on the use of Acutonics® tuning forks to treat people as they approach the end of life. She shares some of her clinical experiences and suggests general guidelines and protocols for using tuning forks to ease the transition to death. It seems fitting to think about these issues as we approach the winter solstice, the most yin time of year, the dark and cold time that is most like death.